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Thursday, May 31, 2007
acte gratuit


Blog Being Reviewed
: acte gratuit
Reviewed By: Chatty Chicka

At First Glance: My first look at this blog filled me with dismay. Standard blogger template, which I hate and despise, and the font on every post is a different color. So, there are a LOT of colors on this blog. And all those dots on the template are just ....yuck.....

Template/Design: Again, I was turned off by the template. May I politely suggest you do a google search for "free blogger templates"? There are fratillions of 'em out there.

There aren't any ads, for which I bowed down to thank the Lord God Above. The side bar is neat and uncluttered, and her "about me" made me chuckle. However, the archive is at the bottom, so my suggestion would be to move it up, maybe under the "about me". Also, I like the "books just finished" section, because I READ STEPHANIE MEYER'S NEW MOON, TOO, THAT'S WHY!!!

Content: Dear Tiny 6.8 ounce baby Jesus: Thank you so much for letting me get this blog to review. Because Emily is a GREAT WRITER! I laughed, I cried... no wait, I didn't cry, I just laughed... and then laughed some more. She's sarcastic and funny and fresh and cute. Hell, the whole family is CUTE! The blog is a bit picture heavy, but I had no problem loading it, and honestly, in my opinion, the pictures just make me love this blog more. I am unashamedly a fan.

What is the first thing I would change about this blog? The template. Definitely. Because Emily? Your blog should LOOK as good as it IS.

What is the best feature of this blog? Lordy be, aside from the template and the "font of many colors", I love it all. Great pictures, great writing, great people. And, she made this. How could you not love her, after that?

Rating: 8.5
I started with an 8, but, I love her writing, and her husband is cute as a bug. So, extra credit!


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Malnurtured Snay

Blog Being Reviewed:
Malnurtured Snay
Reviewed By: Chatty Chicka

At First Glance: It's red.... really, really, red. And it's a red I don't like. Blood, it looks like blood. I gotta tell you, I'm getting sort of nauseous just looking at it. Deep breathe.... in with the good air... out with the blood, er.. I mean bad...

I'm not diggin' so much on the header, but mainly because I don't understand it. And of course, there's all that red... While I'm at it, I hate dark blogs with white fonts. It's hard to read, and "hard to read"="I'm not gonna read much." Let me stop here and say the blog is not ugly. It's well laid out and neat. The sidebar is uncluttered and archives are easy to find. The look just doesn't appeal to me, personally.

This is where my love/hate relationship with this blog begins. Or, maybe not love/hate, maybe it's more a "Dear Jesus, could you write any MORE about Star Wars or Politics"/"Oh my heck, that was fucking hilarious!" relationship. This guy writes really well. Some of it is hilarious. Some of it was very interesting. Most of it bored the complete and utter fuck out of me. Again, my own opinion. I would say check out his blog, it's worth at least a half hour or so of your time. Then make your own decision.

A couple of things I liked:
1. He says "fuck" a lot. Hee. That's always a good way to get my attention.
2. He can be very sarcastic, which of course, makes Chicka go, "Yay!"

A couple of things I didn't like:
1. He has a "Donate" button at the top of his sidebar. Dude, very, very uncool.
2. He links to about a gazillion things in his posts. I lost interest pretty quickly with all the going hither and yon.
3. I don't have a clue about his identity. I searched to try to find out his age... He's not VERY young, nor is he VERY old... other than that? Who knows? I'm all about privacy (hello? my name is not really Chicka) but I'd like to at least know a LITTLE about the person whose blog I am reading.

What is the first thing I would change about this blog?
The red background, and the white font color. And seriously, the "Donate" button.

What is the best feature of this blog?
The writing. Absolutely. He's well educated, and even the boring shit is well written.

Rating: 7
I was gonna give it a 7.5, but I'm completely repelled by the "Donate Button".


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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I Live Under a Rock

Blog Being Reviewed: I Live Under a Rock
Reviewed By: Diva Dee

At First Glance: Clean, neat-- this should be an easy review.

Template/Design: I like the title, but then there's a tagline ("And boy is it heavy!") and THEN there's a "sub-tagline." Yes, thats totally a word. A FIFTY-TWO WORD sub-tagline. I'd shorten that up. My suggestion:

a sheltered geek discovers she is gay. Oh shit.

On to the sidebar. Clean and neat. Me likey. She's got an "ABOUT ME" section at the top of her sidebar... but it doesn't tell anything about her! (Note: This is where you need to put your 52-word sub-tagline.)

Content: Before going any farther you should all take a minute and read this post. You can also take a glance at the "more crap" page, and you'll see this is an interesting blogger with a lot to say. She seems to have several readers, so obviously I'm not the only one liking her.

You're going to get a lot out of this blog-- everything from spying on the neighbors with video cameras to stupid people to moving vehicles. When I first clicked on the link to this blog, I expected a humorous delving into the life of a lesbian. Little did I know I was going to be sucked into her writing. She has an excellent way of getting her point across, and I enjoy reading what she has to say. I have added her to my bloglines, and I will most definitely become a regular reader of this site.

What is the first thing I would change about this blog? I don't really think there is anything I would change, except maybe think about doing something different with the header and tagline.

What is the best feature of this blog? To be honest, I really like the whole thing. The content rocks. Just keep doin' what you're doin'.

Rating: 9.5 - I really couldn't find much of anything to be critical of.


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The Cartoonist They Call The STIK

Blog Being Reviewed: The Cartoonist They Call the STIK
Reviewed By: Diva Dee

At First Glance: Gah! The advertising! Oh GAWD the advertising!

Template/Design: It's OK. Grey background, white text body. Perhaps the bland white and grey are supposed to force me to focus on the holy shitload of crapola in the sidebar? The sidebar is loaded with stuff, fluff, and everything in between. Move the archives and stuff about YOU to the top of your sidebar, lose the renter business, and get rid of all the other crap. Your blog is way too busy, and it starts to draw attention away from the main purpose of your site, which is the cartoons.

I hate to keep ragging on your sidebar, man, but its just all askew. Some things are bold, some are centered, some are left-aligned... all different fonts and sizes, and there's no organization. Ruby Lou would have an OCD fit if she was reviewing this, but to me its an annoyance.

And is the header graphic supposed to have anything to do with "cow cartoons?" Its a little kid knocking over a snowman. Hmmph. I don't get it.

Content: To sum up the author's description of the blog, it's "Just a normal cartoonist trying to do 365 cow cartoons in a year." With that being said, the blog has a purpose, and looking through the posts, he certainly fulfills that purpose. Cow cartoons indeed. I'm totally diggin' this one, but many of the others just aren't the laugh out loud cartoons. I see some that are ha-ha funny, but nothing that makes me want to forward the link to anyone urging them to take a gander. Just not my style. But, to be fair, it looks like Stik has some talent.

What is the first thing I would change about this blog? Put the advertising on a separate page, and link to it with one main link on the home page. I don't have a problem with you wanting to sell your wares, because there's some funny stuff here, but don't bombard me with it.

What is the best feature of this blog? The content. Hands down.

Rating: 5
You had me at cow cartoons. You lost me with the advertising and the clutter.


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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Scopist By Day, Cross Stitcher By Night
BLOG BEING REVIEWED:Scopist By Day, Cross Stitcher By Night
REVIEWED BY: Sexy Simone


AT FIRST GLANCE: Goody goody gumdrops - a standard blogger template - IN PINK!! Could my life get any better? *Insert major sarcasm here* My first thought when I first saw it, is why oh why people want to keep their boring, standard blogger. There are tons of free ones out there - do people not know this by now???

TEMPLATE / DESIGN: I think you already know what I'm going to say, but let me reiterate for the reading impaired... DO NOT use the standard blogger template. It is boring. It is not unique. It does not show off your personality. For this one in particular - It is PINK! Bright, put on my sunglasses pink. You have nothing on your sidebar which doesn't thrill me... but what is there (4 months of archives, and a small about me section) is nice organized, albeit drab and boring.

CONTENT: Must we go here? This is a blog for one specific type of person - a cross stitcher. I am not a cross stitcher, nor can I read about cross stitching. I can't even look at cross stitching without saying - would someone really do that for fun? HOWEVER - I wouldn't mind a cross stitching blog if there was something else of interest in it. Something personal perhaps, something about your day job, something about your dog... ANYTHING! Something more than I got my yarn today! Well woo fucking hoo - I'm glad you got your yarn. But c'mon, you must have had something else go on that day! Did you run into an old friend? Eat lunch? Something, anything, to make life more exciting?? Granted, I'm not putting down your hobby - in fact the picture of Titania was gorgeous - but if you're going to have a blog you may want to jazz it up a bit with other stuff.

WHAT IS THE ONE THING I WOULD CHANGE ABOUT THIS BLOG? One? I have to narrow it to one? OK, the template. If you are doing a particular hobby look for free blogger templates cross stitching, or free blogger templates hobbies... something along those lines.

WHAT IS THE BEST FEATURE OF THIS BLOG? Ooh, tough one. Well, I would say you are passionate about your hobby, which is cool.

RATING - 2 out of 10 - You tried, I know you did.


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The Fomentations of LadyXandria
BLOG BEING REVIEWED: The Formentations of LadyXandria
REVIEWED BY: Sexy Simone

AT FIRST GLANCE: Whoa! All you can see is the header which is like The Phantom of the Opera mixed with Edward Scissorhands! Then I see a very blue template...and I really have to go figure out what the hell formentations is!

TEMPLATE / DESIGN: Well, it's blue! A nice shade of baby bluebird eggs is all I can think of actually. The template is set up very nice and neat. The sidebar looks great, easy to read and very orderly. There is just, in my humble opinion, way too many colors going on here! As I look through my kaleidoscope, I see light blue, dark blue, maroon, fuchsia, red, and more hot pink type colors. Hmmm... we'll talk about that later!

CONTENT: It's a lot of self perception, stuff about friends, regular everyday stories. There are definitely some funny parts, some HNT (Half Naked Thursday) parts, and some general jibber jabber. It is above average but nothing that makes you say "HEY - I want to be this girls very best friend". She seems cool, but it is definitely geared to a certain type of reader, which is fine, nothing wrong with that... although I'm not sure that I'm her particular reader.

WHAT IS THE FIRST THING I WOULD CHANGE ABOUT THIS BLOG? The colors. Stay with one - choose one for your comments, one for your links, one for sidebar - you get the picture. The different shades and colors make it look a bit "off".

WHAT IS THE BEST FEATURE OF THIS BLOG? - Love the HNT's! She shows a lot of self confidence and really knows how to strut her stuff.

RATING: # 6 out of 10


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Friday, May 25, 2007
Cool Beans

Blog Being Reviewed: Cool Beans
Reviewed By: Lexis Eldorado

At First Glance: The problem with wordpress is that it can look very clinical. This blog looks like that. They have alot to say however, so I am putting on my googles and going in.

Template/Design: Well apparently they are looking for a new header. I'm not sure if anyone has submitted one - but the first time I read it, I was expecting some sorta contest or update or something, now it looks likes part of the gimmick and it's not fun. Not cluttered, has 'pages' for stuff that would normally clutter up the sidebars. Reading very long however, wordpress has that cool MORE feature - it would clean up your page.

Content: Ok when I tell you that I felt like I was on Space Mountain, I'm not exaggerating. This bad boy was all over the place. I desperately searched for Labels, Categories, Topics or something. It goes on and on and on. There is no clear definition of exactly who the blogger is outside of titles such as mother, wife etc. And what is up with the password protected entries. I said I brought my goggles NOT my safe cracking equipment. Whenever I see that, I feel on one hand that I stumbled across my daughters diary open on the bed but on the other hand, I'm the last one picked at kickball. Because I am dizzy from all the directions this blog has taken - I am picking the latter feeling which means I'm pissed.

The more I read, the more I felt like I was listening to my mother tell me why wearing red made you a harlot and I started blanking out until I couldn't see the page - damn! I have to step away.

Ok I'm back.

This person has been writing for YEARS but I could almost count the comments on one hand. What's up with that?

What is the first thing I would change about this blog? Immediately start labeling your stuff Cool! So when and if I come back I can go, "Hmm I wanna read about her kids vomit, let me click vomit and read away." I would also resuggest the MORE feature. I can't really speak for content because how can you tell someone to focus - oops just did.

What is the best feature of this blog? You might wanna change that cup of tea and bath to an energy bar and a snow board.

Rating: 6 out of 10 - it's obvious you love blogging, just put a strainer on that brain of yours so that folks can follow the storyline.


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Arlon's Place

Blog Being Reviewed: Arlon's Place
Reviewed By: Lexis Eldorado

At First Glance: An instant desire to become hooked on uppers to make it through this one.

Template/Design: Blogger 101. The very basic blogger template with absolutely no originality. Come on Arlon give me something other than the site meter.

Content: Ok I need to back up just a bit because Arlon is a newbie having less than 30 posts, so I will give some slack on the lack of personality in the template, maybe he hasn't gotten his copy of 'HTML for Dummies' from Amazon as of yet and that's understandable. I had a serious learning curve when I moved my blog to it's new location. Almost went and sat next to my daughter in Middle School for a do over because of it. Back to the meat of the blog. I read the entire thing and to be honest it wasn't until about post five that I discovered the sex of the blogger, lol lol.

There is something endearing about the non-exciting person normality. I became intrigued, especially once I discovered it was a man. I am a fan of the male psyche. When the pictures kicked in - it got slightly more interesting, if for no other reason than there were visuals.

I'm on the fence about this one. It's kinda like watching that man who used to be on PBS painting - you know good and damn well you are bored shitless - but you're selfish and the blandness somehow balances you out.

Blogging, especially first person blogging, is ultimately suppose to be about the everyday of a person, so when reading you interject your own personality to bump up against theres and in this case there just isn't a match. That doesn't mean that others wouldn't find it interesting. I would suggest immediately starting to tell ALL the dirt about the Ex's. I'd definately be back then, lol

What is the first thing I would change about this blog? The template - there are other nondescript colors available, this basic template is just passe'

What is the best feature of this blog? The Store Brand Seinfeldesque quality. You really don't know whether to click next or stay and work on your hangnails while you read.

Rating: 6 out of 10 - Change the template, drink some coffee for the caffeine and let us see your wild side. Oh and throw your ex's under the bus!


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Thursday, May 24, 2007
Another Addition to the Crew!
Welcome Chatty Chicka to the group! She's graciously agreed to join the ranks!

Give her a good, I mean WELCOME.

Chatty Chicka has been blogging, on and off, for about 3 years. She likes blogs that make her laugh. She hates whiners and stupid people. Cursing creatively all while baking a mean lasagna, she will pierce you with her "rapier wit".

What makes her tick: A finely tuned sense of humor.
What ticks her off: Misspelled words.
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We're Back!
OK, OK, so it took longer than the one week I promised... so sue me!

We'll be back to our regular reviews starting tomorrow, and I'd like to give a big warm welcome to the newest member of my submissive minions... Ms. Lexis Eldorado.

What a great way to kick off the new site with a new person doing a little reviewing!


Lexis Eldorado has been blogging just shy of two years. With Absolut being fed intravenously and Michael Jackson as the soundtrack, she surfs the net with the vigor her name suggests. She will bring humor, wittiness and a 'colored' eye to the site. The 'Star Jones' of the group has arrived!

What makes her tick: Good Friends, Good Music, Good Food, Good Liquor
What ticks her off: Just about everything else

Note: You'll notice that we're going to be a little out of order with the reviews starting tomorrow. We'll get back to the list on Monday!

Thanks to all of you that stuck around waiting for our return!
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Monday, May 14, 2007
The Adventures of Pamalicious
BLOG BEING REVIEWED - The Adventures of Pamalicious

TEMPLATE - It struck me right away. This woman must obviously have a personality just from the header that I found when I finally reached her new page. Great pictures! My only suggestion for the template, because I really do love a lot of things about it, is to capitlize the title - it tends to get mixed in the with the pictures. You might also consider changing the color, but that may be my personal preference! I HATE gold! It reminds me of the 70's retro years which weren't really that great for me, lol. The sidebar is A.W.E.S.O.M.E! So well organized, and neatly laid out. A woman after my own heart! No fancy pictures, no bullshit, just what you need to know in an easy to find way.

- She just moved here to her own site so I didn't get a chance to read much, but what I read I thoroughly enjoyed! It is a mix of her life, and her new home. Wait - I found the previous blog link! Yay! It gets better :) Funny stuff! I honestly can't even give you specific links because there were so many LOL moments! The writing is both pensive and honest while being witty and generally entertaining. There are pictures to put the name with a face, and I'm telling you, it is a great mix of a blog! I enjoy this woman - she can talk just about as much as I can.

RATING - 9 out of 10


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Dolce Bellezza

TEMPLATE - Well it's back... the standard blogger template. Haven't we learned yet? Have you read this site? Specifically me... I'm going to slam the blogger template. It is boring, and lacks any kind of personality whatsoever. This one is brown with orange font - a big ole' UGH for that one! The sidebar looked promising, but alas, I kept scrolling and scrolling... and scrolling... and scrolling. It is organized well enough, so at the very least that is promising.

CONTENT - Alright, I'm taking a different road with this one today, one with no bitchiness at all. Let me state for clarity that I am not a Christian. I'm not a religious person at all, and yet a noticed a theme going in her posts relating to God and religion, and basically anything dealing with "the faith". But, I found myself reading. I read all of this months, last months, and some from last year and I found myself drawn in. Her words may not have made me laugh out loud but they seemed to make you want to know her, and to know her life. Call me crazy (and some have), but I liked this blog. Now, that doesn't mean that I am suddenly going to go all Catholic or anything (my mom would hate me right now!) but I'm going to say that once I got over the initial UGH - she's a religious freak, I found that she is committed to her faith, and that is a commitment that I can understand in some ways. Gosh, that was pretty boring and downright not catty of me!! And just to set you clear - she isn't some preachy God loving person... just that some of her posts incorporate her religion, and there is nothing wrong with that! She also speaks of her "kids" which are her students, and I'd wager to say that she must be a really great teacher.

SUMMARY - It's enjoyable reading! It may not be my personal cup of tea, but I wouldn't say that I'm so horrified by reading this that I will run screaming from a room. I think that there are a lot of people that would definitely appreciate her writing.

RATING - 6 out of 10 - I can't say it enough... search for free templates and go ahead and go crazy and change yours to suit your personality.


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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
It's Been One Week....
It's been one week since you looked at me
Cocked your head to the side and said I'm angry.
Five days since you laughed at me
Saying get that together come back and see me.

(Diva Dee here totally doing the dance... )

We're taking a break, people. But just for the week.

Check back with us next Monday-- we'll promise a fresh new look and a couple new additions to the review staff!

You won't be disappointed!
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Friday, May 4, 2007
An Island Life
An Island Life is going to be very difficult to review, and I'll tell you why! I love it! I have loved it for a long time, and I'm a frequent lurker on Kailani's blog. But I swear, I won't be biased. Here we do blogs in rotation so we get who we get, whether we know them or not... with that said...

Template - LOVE IT! Bright colors, wonderfully neat and tidy sidebar, perfect for her blog. I could go on, but you get the idea. Don't change one freaking thing!!

Content - LOVE IT! Kailani is a flight attendant who frequently tells of her trips here and there and some of the passengers that she runs into. I still remember a post she wrote about a year ago or so (I'm bad with times, so forgive me for not being exact) about a woman who waited her whole life to get to Hawaii, where Kailani lives by the way (lucky bitch!), and something happened, and the passenger died before she could enjoy the trip she saved up forever for. It was an absolutely sad story that Kailani told with so much emotion. Ever since reading that I was hooked. She is both witty, and humorous, with just the right amount family posts and seriousness at times... Ah, how I long to be her very best friend (and not just for the discounted flights either!)

In Summation - In case you haven't figured it out - LOVE IT!!

Rating - 10 out of 10 - and no, I'm not biased, check it out for yourself!


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Too Friggin Busy
That should be what I have to say!! I know I'm a few days late, so sue me, I have a life ya know!!

Too Friggin Busy is a blog I have never seen, and so far, I'm not too worried about it!

Template - What the fuck is that purple octopus thing on the header?? Are you purposely trying to scare people off or what? Not to mention, the header is way too far to the right for the template itself. If I were drunk I would be throwing up from trying to figure out where to read! I could also do without the flickr pictures right on top - I know you love your kids, but c'mon! Is that what this whole blog is about??

Content - The answer to that question is a big yes! I was inundated on just the first page of pictures of the little ones... and more little ones... and more little ones... and pictures of Yankees pictures. Ooh, you might just be sorry you got me as a reviewer that is for sure! Until you said you were not a Yankee fan I was going to give you a big fat zero just for that (Die Hard Red Sox Fan HERE) but since my boss might just kick my ass for being that biased, I'll continue on.

I know you're a mom, I'm a mom, but c'mon... if you're going to have this much of a mommy blog it might be best left private for your family and friends. I couldn't get past the first page, I'm sorry, I'm bored already.

In Summation - Not my thing...

Rating - 3 out of 10 - I'm sure some people would love it, probably just people who know you but hey, it's decent for what it is. Get a new template!


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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Blog Being Reviewed: ALRO-World

Template: What is the picture in the header graphic supposed to be? It's blurry, pixelated, and I have no fucking clue what it is supposed to be. We'll leave it at that. I had to check this template in Opera as well as in IE, because in IE the sidebar drops all the way to the bottom of the screen. Looks OK in Opera, though.

Maybe you like the color scheme you got going on, but I don't. The colors are too bland, the type is too small, and you need to move your archives up closer to the top of your sidebar.

Content: Why is it that some people blog like a 5th grader who forgot to take their ADHD medicine? This blog seems to be all over the place, and I can't find a rhyme or reason as to its purpose. Many of the posts, while not mundanely boring, are a little wordy. But he can piss and moan like the rest of us with his take on Asian drivers, American Idol and its sometimes suckiness, passing out the Ottawa fucktard award... I could go on, but I won't. For the most part, the content is decent. He's from Canada, and maybe its because he uses terminology that I'm not familiar with (such as kilometers instead of miles) that I am just not attracted to this blog simply because I don't want to have to Google everything just to read a post.

He's a musician, he's got some tattoos, so does his wife-- he seems like a cool guy, and would probably be fun to hang with.

Clutter: None.

Would I Return? Maybe, maybe not-- but thats just me. I urge all of our readers to at least give him a try, and see if this blog might be something you're interested in. But I will say, I hope your wife is on the mend, and I hope you guys get to do the deed soon. Make lots of babies!! I wish you the best.

Rating: 6 -- I'm not crazy about the template, and I'm not in love with the content.


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The Fifth Column
Since we were recently referred to as "blog virgins" and accused of not making clear enough links to the blogs we are reviewing... I'll dumb this down for y'all.

Blog Being Reviewed: THE FIFTH COLUMN <== Click there, you fucking idiot.

Does that help? Good.

Back to business.

First Impression: Boring template.

Template: Boring. Drab. Not nearly as fresh as I would expect from the three authors who call The Fifth Column home. With names as "funky fresh" as Schadenfreude, Bacon Boy, and Max Power-- I expected more. Fa-real. Props, word to ya mutha... I'm a white girl trying to act all wit' it and shit.

Oh no she di'int!

*clearing throat*

OK, change of plans. That's not working for me.

Back to the template. The only good thing about it is that they come up with fresh new mastheads on a pretty regular basis, and they always include a catchy tagline to go along with it. You can see some of their past ones here. So, even though the template is pale and lifeless, like a man's penis while dreaming of Bea Arthur and Rue McLanahan gettin' it on in an old lady lesbian romp, they spice it up and make it funnier than shit with their mastheads. Nice clean page, everything where it should be. They've sorted the best posts from each author and you can view those here.

Content: Two words. THEY ROCK. More words: People may be offended by some of the things they have to say, but I'm in love. Seriously. Blog love, ladies and gentlemen. They tell it like it is, which is how we should all be. They're honest, yet sarcastic and fucking hilarious. Smartasses are SOOOOO much better than dumbasses, right? They are a great team, and I'm so thrilled to have found this site, I'm almost willing to flash the bodacious ta-tas just to reveal my excitement.

Clutter: None.

Would I Return?
You bet your sweet bippy I will!

Rating: 9


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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
I Am Woman, See Me Blog!

I Am Woman, See Me Blog!

The first impression sucked. I was pissed off at the load time of the page and the template is fugly. I didn't expect to enjoy this blog at all.

Template - Fugly... Super Fugly. It's 2007 and we all use computers to communicate and can befriend people on the other side of the world. Don't use a font that reminds me of an ancient tool called a typewriter. Please. But, I'm just being a bitch about it. It's ugly but not horrid.

Content - This is where it gets interesting. She writes about her side of the world and shows beautiful photographs along with her posts. You get some great insight to life over there and I found that intriguing! I will probably never get to see this part of the world but it makes me really want to and, if I can't, at least I can get a first hand account from this blog. The rest of her writing is enjoyable and I found myself smiling through her blog. She seems genuine and sweet. Her posts aren't earthshattering but they aren't completely bland either. It's a nice mix.

In Summation - I would go back to see her... if anything just for the photographs and to read about a life I would probably love to lead. We can dream and travel thru blogs....

Rating - 6 out 10 - Would have been a bit higher with a better template.


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Jaded Sunburns

Jaded Sunburns

She has been around awhile. I have seen her blog numerous times on blogrolls and often wondered why she seemed so popular. I read her blog a few times in the past and was never hooked.

Template - She has that cool feature on her blog that allows you to choose the template in which you want to view. I like that. Her templates are pretty cool but some are less appealing than others, but not because of functionality or insulting color schemes. It's more just a personal preference. So, score one for templates.

Content - In all fairness, no I didn't just read one or two posts and then write this review. Remember, I said I have read her blog before. I wasn't impressed then and I'm not impressed now. I read several of her posts to see if anything has changed, and it hasn't. They are not awful by any means. They just lack umph. She writes pure though. Truth. Reality. No fluff. In retrospect, that's admirable. She isn't trying to be someone she isn't. I will never knock someone for that. So, even though her content is bland I can understand why she may have loyal readers. I just won't be one of them. See, while writing from your heart is sweet and all it's boring. I don't like being bored. I like being entertained.

In Summation - This review pretty much mirrors the blog... boring, bland and blasè. But I still have a hard time knocking someone who is real and pure like she is. We have said it a million times... and I'll say it again... not my cup of tea.

Rating 6 out of 10 - More for template than content and for being true.


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