Let's sum it all up.
We've removed our
"Fine Print" from our site. Yes, we copied it from another site, and changed the wording. It was wrong, and we admit it. Apparently, if we would have asked first, she maybe would have been flattered we wanted to use it. Somehow, I doubt that, but we'll let that one go. Anyways, the "Fine Print" has been removed. I would hope thats the last we hear about
THAT part of our site.
We aren't allowed to call ourselves "
bitches" either, since it seems that whole group of people at the other site have already trademarked that term. Fine. We deleted that, too. According to their site, we are also copying their reviews by using such words as "
Pepto-Bismol." ROFLMAO, are you people for real?
I really hope I don't happen to utter a phrase in any of my reviews such as
"I speak too often" because that could be easily construed as coming too close to the name of their site, also-- Right? I guess since they are the only site out there that is allowed to use certain phrases and words in reviewing sites, maybe we should all ask them for a glossary of terms that only
they are allowed to use? Then that way we would know what we can and cannot say. We'll be anxiously awaiting that email.
Better yet, maybe we should ask for a list of words and phrases we CAN use. That might be a shorter list, since they've probably cornered the market on every word in the fucking English language.
As for our
template- let's review it.
It's a standard free blogger template. We picked it because we hadn't seen any blogs currently using it. We liked the color, we liked the picture,
we just liked it. Not sure why we have to explain myself to people, but we keep getting ragged on because of our template. I guess we haven't been around the block as many times as some people because its been said that this is a template "everyone is using." Maybe we'll change it, maybe not. We quite like the generic quality of it.
But a question for all of you that have been blogging for quite some time---
Do you currently use the exact same template, header graphic, page set-up and html coding as when you first started your blog?Probably not. I don't know that any of us do. Most of us start out with something just to get started, make changes over time, see what works and what doesn't, and we improve upon it as we're able to. But because we cannot uphold the
PERFECTION of another review site, we are chastised for it. So, we don't have mail forms on our site, and we don't have our own domain, and we are still working out some kinks with opening pages up in new windows.
So, here's a question that begs to be answered.
Why do you bash us first for copying your site and then bash us again because of the things NOT like yours??
(You can include your answer in the email where you send us the glossary of terms we are or are not allowed to use in our reviews.)
Also, why in the hell are WE expected to have everything perfect right out of the gate, in the first week we've started this site? I'm sure the other review site was PERFECT from day one.
Aren't they lucky?Do we hope to improve on things?
Hell yes!Do we hope to eventually move to a new site?
Hell yes!Should we wait and see what kind of response we get first from readers before investing a whole lot of time and energy into the current site?
Hell, YES!Why we are being faulted for
that, I have no idea. I know there are regular readers and even regular commenters of the other site
that are agreeing with us on this one. How do we know?
We've talked to them. They've emailed us. They've left us comments. Of course, they'll
never admit it (probably for fear of getting chewed to bits by the bitches for being traitors), but we aren't going to waste any more of our time worrying about it.
About our
reviews - I have written all
TWO of my damn reviews myself-- and I have not copied any wording used in my reviews from yours or anyone else's site. I wrote it myself. Period. If you think I or anyone else on this site has copied something being used in our reviews, please let us know.
All of the bickering comments back and forth on this subject have now been deleted.
We are moving on. Should others choose to do the same is their decision. We can't control that. You will notice (if you really care to check) that none of us have gone to their site and left any comments. We have
not responded on there to any of the bashing they done of our site. They are the ones choosing to flood us with long, bitchy comments, calling us everything in the book. Several of them have submitted their blogs, often including quite phony shit such as gushing over how much they "love" us (yeah, right), and "please review my blog" and "please take a look at some of my links."
It's truly ironic the amount of time they have put into our little ol' site. They bash it to pieces, then all their minions come over and bash it to pieces, and then they all come back several times each day, checking to see what we have to say about it. Inquiring minds, my ass.
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out