Who the fuck submitted our site to be reviewed at another site?
That was a truly stupid thing to do. I'd love to know the IP address of the dickwad that pulled that shitty stunt.
WHATEVA! Moving on.
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Sexy Simone Speaks
Labels: Sexy Simone Speaks
Between 1976-1989 my family moved 18 times. I went to 16 schools K-10. Whenever I moved to a new place kids would ask me where I was from, and I'd tell them I didn't know where I was from, but I was born in San Diego, and then I would rattle off a bunch of places where I had lived. The next question would always be, "Are you an army brat?" The answer is no. The truth is my parents were on the run from a couple government agencies. Add to this bizarre tale living with alcoholic parents and it makes it very complicated. This is my life.
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Chatty Chicka's 2 Cents
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Lexis E. Top Down Music Blastin
Labels: Lexis E. Top Down Music Blastin
Labels: Chatty Chicka's 2 Cents
Labels: Chatty Chicka's 2 Cents
I've never done this before. In fact, I don't know if it's been done at all on this blog before, so bear with me. I have had a bad taste in my mouth since I did this review, and I just CAN'T let it stand as is. I just can't. You would never take seriously another review I ever did. I was so ashamed I nearly emailed Diva Dee my resignation.
***I hereby retract my review of this blog.***
I must have been on crack the day I reviewed it. It's the only thing that explains my high praise of this abysmal blog. I'll leave my original review, but will make amendments in red.
At First Glance: Icky template, but Oh My Gosh! Men in Underwear!! Lots and LOTS of men in underwear. It's a voyeur's dream.......
At first glance, I have to say, ICK. A "Sales Blog". And for men's underwear? While the men are great looking, the target audience for this type of blog can only be gay men. Who else would give a rat's fuck about men's underwear?
You know what? A blog SHOULD titillate your intellect. So, I was sidetracked a bit by the pictures. I've come to my senses and realized what a worthless piece of kangaroo shit this blog is. Forgive me, readers. But I, too, sometimes make mistakes. The template is standard blogger crappola, and I don't see anything on this page that redeems it.
Oh the shame.... Me? Hearting boys in panties? God help me Jesus, let me live this down. The content of this blog is just as ridiculously inane as the template. BOYS.... IN PANTIES. There's a blockbuster read for ya'... It's crap, CRAP I tell you!
What is the first thing I would change about this blog? Baby, I wouldn't change a damn thing...
Baby, I'd delete the motherfucker....
What is the best feature of this blog? Some might say the links to discounts, some might say the terrific TON of information on current sales and promotions, but "I" say: Me likes 'dem boys in panties.....
The best feature of this blog is the little link at the top of the page that says
"Next Blog". Click it, folks. ANYTHING has to be better than this superfluous drivvel.
Rating: 1 I'd give it a 0, but I don't wanna be a BITCH.
(mercy, I feel betta' now!)
Labels: Chatty Chicka's 2 Cents
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Chatty Chicka's 2 Cents
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
One saying a lot of people say is "a picture can say a thousand words." My response is "that's great, but good writing can paint a thousand pictures." To each his own I guess. I like pictures too.This, not only explains the above statement about the template, but it also explains why I enjoy him so much. Although, I have not seen this blog much in passing, I love his writing. It is very descriptive, and although it may not pertain to me most of the time, because I tend to read blogs of a more light hearted nature, the writing is very detailed, descriptive, and overall excellent. He has another blog about baseball which I like very much. It is HERE and then you can sign up for his newsletter HERE.
Labels: Sexy Simone Speaks
Labels: Sexy Simone Speaks
Labels: Lexis E. Top Down Music Blastin
Labels: Lexis E. Top Down Music Blastin
Labels: Lexis E. Top Down Music Blastin
Labels: Lexis E. Top Down Music Blastin
Labels: Chatty Chicka's 2 Cents
Labels: Chatty Chicka's 2 Cents
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
...I change my template the way a woman changes shoes, so don't waste your time telling me my template needs or wants anything.
After reading this, I will refrain from picking apart his color scheme and header graphic d'jour. However, the one thing that remains constant is his layout, so that my friend, will be what I will pick apart like my toothless great-grandfather eating BBQ ribs.
This site is just way too freakin' cluttered for its own good. You've got so much information and fluff crammed into your sidebars, its just terribly overwhelming. I actually feel a tad bit claustrophobic from it even. Get rid of one sidebar, give yourself more room to WRITE, and make separate pages for all the shit-ola you've got going on here. You're favorite posts, blogroll, and just about everything else could be linked from another page. Do you want people to read the shit in your sidebar or your posts?
Content: The content is all right, but about 75% of the posts are just fucking God-AWFUL long. Seriously, we're talking about 15-20 paragraphs long. You lost me after the first couple paragraphs because I wasn't sure where you were going with most of your thoughts. Like I said before, removing a sidebar would help widen up your post body area, and hence, your posts wouldn't seem a mile long. Adding pictures to your posts is not altogether a bad idea, but shrink them down a bit. It's not slowing your page load down any (at least on my computer), but its taking up space.
Most of the posts were not tripping my trigger today, but not every blog is for everyone. What I did enjoy the most, was reading the stories about his childhood. He wrote about them in almost a "Wonder Years" fashion, lots of flashback and nostalgia. I got a good laugh reading about him peeing his pants all the time, because I have a cousin that was the same way. Hilarious!
What would be the first thing I would change about this blog? Clean up the sidebar.
What is the best feature of this blog? Reading the stories about his childhood. Some of them are keepers.
Rating: 4 -- your sidebars were too much for me, and had I been an average blog surfer, I would have dog-paddled right past this one.
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Lexis E. Top Down Music Blastin
Labels: Lexis E. Top Down Music Blastin
I'd choose the latter. Bottom line-- 99.9% of bloggers say they write for themselves, and they don't care who reads it or what anyone else thinks. Now secretly, deep down, don't we all know that's a crock? If people truly didn't care who reads their blog, they'd save it as a Word document on your computer-- not on a public site for the world to see. I'll be the first to admit I WANT people to read my blog, I WANT comments, and the best way to do that is to find a template that makes people want to stick around long enough to actually read what you have to say. Girl, you're an elementary teacher, so I know you've got personality. Your blog template should mirror that.
As far as the sidebar goes (and this also will tie in to the "Content" part of my review) you've got the whole "About Me" arena covered. People, she's got the "100 Things", and she's even got a page for "New Readers" to learn just what kind of blog they are getting themselves into. Nice-- me likey.
Just a side thought... Why DO people put clocks and calendars on their blogs? I don't need a blog to tell me what day it is. It's unnecessary clutter, in my opinion.
And...To my readers, your vocabulary lesson for the day:
whinging: (verb) the practice of complaining and not doing anything about it
Content: It's decent. She's in her early twenties, (a good decade younger than myself). The best way to express how I felt reading this blog: I'm too fucking old to be reading this blog. Seriously. She's a school teacher that goes out and parties with her friends, and I felt old. And I felt tired. Just from reading her blog. Add my feeling of senility and gray hair coming on, to the fact that she likes to use exclamation points, and I'm ready for a nap.
I went to the store today! I bought some milk! They didn't have the kind I wanted, so I got a different brand! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
The content is good, and there were a couple posts that made me sorta chuckle, but I didn't see anything that would make me hurry to blogroll her. Not her fault though, that she got stuck being reviewed by crochety Old Lady Diva Dee.
What is the first thing I would change about this blog? Definitely the template.
What is the best feature of this blog? She's got spunk(! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !) You should definitely give her a read, and form your own opinion.
Rating: 5! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Diva Dee Dishing It Out
Labels: Sexy Simone Speaks